
Nastoletnie matki (teen mom) -serial.

14 lata 11 miesiąc temu - 14 lata 11 miesiąc temu #8705 przez kasiora
MTV Polska - niedziela godz. 16:30

widzialam reklame tego serialu i zapowiada sie nawet ciekawie, teraz bedzie juz lecial chyba 3 odcinek ale mysle ze warto obejrzec :)

opis:"Nastoletnie matki" to nowy serial MTV Polska, będący kontynuacją losów nastolatek z programu "Licealne ciąże". W kolejnych odcinkach serialu widzowie poznają dalsze losy czterech bohaterek poprzedniej serii: Maci, Farrahy, Amber i Catelynn.
Teraz dziewczyny będą musiały stawić czoła wielu trudnościom, sprawdzić się w roli nastoletnich mam i przekonać się, czy podołają podjętym wyzwaniom. Być może obowiązki macierzyńskie przerosną niektóre z bohaterek, a z kolei dla innych decyzja o oddaniu dziecka do adopcji okaże się ich największym błędem.

zrodlo :

a moze ktoras z was ogladala ten serial :unsure: (czekam na opinie :blink: )

dla innych jestes tylko dzieckiem a dla mnie jestes calym swiatem!

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14 lata 11 miesiąc temu #8707 przez _aga86_
Ja ogladalam "licealne ciaze" :) Chociaz udalo mi sie rowniez obejrzec jeden odcinek nastoletnich mam. Uwazam, ze jest to ciekawy program i daje do myslenia! Wydaje mi sie, ze jest przestroga dla nastolatek...

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14 lata 11 miesiąc temu #8712 przez kasiora
to moze jednak warto obejrzec :)

jest powtorka poprzedniego odcinka : sobota godz. 17:30 :blink:

dla innych jestes tylko dzieckiem a dla mnie jestes calym swiatem!

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14 lata 11 miesiąc temu #8728 przez Katarzynka
Jak dla mnie bardzo fajny pokazuje prawdziwe zycie a każda matka ma inne problemy i sie z nimi borykaja..

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14 lata 11 miesiąc temu #8765 przez iwonan12
Ja oglądałam Licealne ciąże które są również powtarzane ale nie wiem w jaki dzień
Film "Nastoletnie matki" też mi przypadł do gustu i uważam że warto oglądać


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14 lata 11 miesiąc temu #8772 przez basik_twins
a Ja nie mam polskiej telewizji :(
Ale może na necie znajde....

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14 lata 9 miesiąc temu #15714 przez iwonan12
Dziewczyny nie wiem czy wiecie w niedziele rusza nowa seria "Liceale ciąże" o 16 pierwszy odcinek :D


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14 lata 9 miesiąc temu - 14 lata 9 miesiąc temu #15721 przez kolorowa
Ja staram się często to z moim narzeczonym oglądać dlatego,że zaszłam w ciąze jak miałam 17 lat,teraz mam 18 choć pewnie dla niektórych jestem dzieciakiem,ale ja nie moge słuchać jak ktoś mi mowi ze 18 to za mało zeby miec dziecko a 30 to akurat,a co to za róznica??? Czy ja mniej bede to dziecko kochała?? czy nie bede umiała sie zajac?? chodzi o szkole,prace itepe ja ide do szkoly od wrzesnia i bede chodziła 2 razy w tygodniu i skoncze szkole fryzjerska i bedzie dobrze:) A serial bardzo fajny bardzo nam sie podoba:) Polecam

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14 lata 9 miesiąc temu #15725 przez kasiora
iwonan12 napisał:

Dziewczyny nie wiem czy wiecie w niedziele rusza nowa seria "Liceale ciąże" o 16 pierwszy odcinek :D

tak tak widzialam :)
jak mam czas na tv , to sledze wszyskie odcinki :blink:

dla innych jestes tylko dzieckiem a dla mnie jestes calym swiatem!

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14 lata 9 miesiąc temu #15732 przez natmur11
ja ogladalam tylko czesc jednego odcinka przypadkiem u znajomych, wydaje sie bardzo fajny i interesujacy, ja niestety nadal nie mam polskiej tv wiec ciezko cos zobaczyc:)
ja uwazam ze nie ma znaczenia ile dziewczyna ma lat jak zachodzi w ciaze tylko to ile ma rozumu i jakie ma mozliwosci utrzymania tego dziecka, nie jedna mloda mama ma wiecej zapalu i checi stworzenia dziecku domu niz osoba dorosla. Jesli o mnie chodzi to gdybym teraz mieszkala w Polsce to bym sie jeszcze na dziecko nie zdecydowala.

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14 lata 2 miesiąc temu #46924 przez Kalinka20
Amber Portwood

Footage of Amber Portwood's violent behavior towards the father of her child, Gary Shirley, has prompted an investigation from the police department in Anderson, Indiana, as well as Child Protective Services.

On October 20, 2010, The Today Show aired a segment revolving around the depicted domestic abuse in both seasons. NBC's Dan Abrams discussed the possible legal consequences Portwood could face under Indiana law, and under the maximum punishment, Portwood could be charged with 4 felonies (conducting abuse in front of a child under 14, domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse/neglect), along with several related misdemeanors. Police have searched Portwood's apartment, finding "evidence that requires further investigation", although they would not specify what had been found.

On November 3, it was reported that Portwood agreed to allow Indiana's child protective services to monitor her for up to six months in the wake of her televised assault on ex-boyfriend Gary, which sparked hundreds of public complaints questioning her suitability to be a mother. Portwood was allowed to maintain custody of their two-year-old daughter Leah.[28]

On November 18, after an extensive investigation, Portwood was charged with three counts of domestic violence for incidents of abuse inflicted on Shirley that aired on the reality show.[29] The same day, MTV released a statement concerning the charges filed on Portwood: "We are cooperating with all parties and hope for a quick and fair resolution that allows everyone involved to move forward in a positive manner." [30]

On November 24, it was announced that Portwood's daughter, Leah, had become a ward of the state of Indiana as a result of Portwood's assault on Gary Shirley, though Leah is still in Shirley's custody until a hearing is set.[31]
[edit] Farrah Abraham

In October 2010, Stormie Clark, the mother of Derek Underwood, who fathered Farrah Abraham's daughter, had filed for “grandparent’s rights” in Pottawattamie County, Iowa Court. A judge denied her request, keeping Abraham's daughter, Sophia, in her custody. In order for a judge to have approved this request for visitation, Clark would have needed to prove she had a pre-existing relationship with baby Sophia, which she does not. Clark was also seen as unfit due to past criminal convictions and mental health problems. On December 9th, 2010, Clark appeared on an exclusive interview on E! news, in which she made a national plea to Farrah to please allow her to see her grandaughter, and that they should bury the hatchet. It was also revealed that she had a "fateful" encounter with Sophia at a public park where Sophia was with a babysitter.[32]
[edit] Maci Bookout

On October 28, 2010, Bookout was filming for Teen Mom at Chattanooga State; when filming was completed, she got into her car and rear-ended another vehicle. After posing for pictures with some students, and consulting with producers what to do, Bookout left the scene. Now being classified as a hit-and-run, the college has published the story in their newspaper, The Communicator. The video of the accident aftermath can be seen on YouTube.[33][34] A police statement said damages were minor, no further information has arose.

Mógłby ktoś to przetłumaczyć ;p

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14 lata 2 miesiąc temu #46978 przez makaja
Ja swojego cZasu też namiętnie oglądałam i zazdrosiłam tym dziewczynom bycia w ciązy... teraz jak sama jestem wiem co mnie czeka , to nawet staram się wyciągnąć konsekwencje niektórych głupich wyborów ... nawet na MTV można się czegoś ciekawego nauczyć

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14 lata 2 miesiąc temu #46990 przez kasiora
Kalinka20 napisał:

Amber Portwood

Footage of Amber Portwood's violent behavior towards the father of her child, Gary Shirley, has prompted an investigation from the police department in Anderson, Indiana, as well as Child Protective Services.

On October 20, 2010, The Today Show aired a segment revolving around the depicted domestic abuse in both seasons. NBC's Dan Abrams discussed the possible legal consequences Portwood could face under Indiana law, and under the maximum punishment, Portwood could be charged with 4 felonies (conducting abuse in front of a child under 14, domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse/neglect), along with several related misdemeanors. Police have searched Portwood's apartment, finding "evidence that requires further investigation", although they would not specify what had been found.

On November 3, it was reported that Portwood agreed to allow Indiana's child protective services to monitor her for up to six months in the wake of her televised assault on ex-boyfriend Gary, which sparked hundreds of public complaints questioning her suitability to be a mother. Portwood was allowed to maintain custody of their two-year-old daughter Leah.[28]

On November 18, after an extensive investigation, Portwood was charged with three counts of domestic violence for incidents of abuse inflicted on Shirley that aired on the reality show.[29] The same day, MTV released a statement concerning the charges filed on Portwood: "We are cooperating with all parties and hope for a quick and fair resolution that allows everyone involved to move forward in a positive manner." [30]

On November 24, it was announced that Portwood's daughter, Leah, had become a ward of the state of Indiana as a result of Portwood's assault on Gary Shirley, though Leah is still in Shirley's custody until a hearing is set.[31]
[edit] Farrah Abraham

In October 2010, Stormie Clark, the mother of Derek Underwood, who fathered Farrah Abraham's daughter, had filed for “grandparent’s rights” in Pottawattamie County, Iowa Court. A judge denied her request, keeping Abraham's daughter, Sophia, in her custody. In order for a judge to have approved this request for visitation, Clark would have needed to prove she had a pre-existing relationship with baby Sophia, which she does not. Clark was also seen as unfit due to past criminal convictions and mental health problems. On December 9th, 2010, Clark appeared on an exclusive interview on E! news, in which she made a national plea to Farrah to please allow her to see her grandaughter, and that they should bury the hatchet. It was also revealed that she had a "fateful" encounter with Sophia at a public park where Sophia was with a babysitter.[32]
[edit] Maci Bookout

On October 28, 2010, Bookout was filming for Teen Mom at Chattanooga State; when filming was completed, she got into her car and rear-ended another vehicle. After posing for pictures with some students, and consulting with producers what to do, Bookout left the scene. Now being classified as a hit-and-run, the college has published the story in their newspaper, The Communicator. The video of the accident aftermath can be seen on YouTube.[33][34] A police statement said damages were minor, no further information has arose.

Mógłby ktoś to przetłumaczyć ;p

zapraszam tu :|pl|

dla innych jestes tylko dzieckiem a dla mnie jestes calym swiatem!

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14 lata 2 tygodni temu #68888 przez Martynka__89
Lubię to oglądać ale zastanawiam się czy to nie jest wszystko wyreżyserowane ? Fajnie że nastolatkę samotnie wychowującą dziecko stać na luksusy, bo w Polsce eh...

Moja Kropeczka:(9.02.2015

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